tisdag 11 juni 2013

Minirecensioner x 3

Titel: Fear
Författare: Michael Grant
Serie: Gone #5
Sidor: 549

Spoilervarning! Boken ingår i en serie, spoilers från tidigare böcker i serien förekommer.

It's been one year since all the adults disappeared. Gone.

Despite the hunger and the lies, even despite the plague, the kids of Perdido Beach are determined to survive. Creeping into the tenuous new world they've built, though, is perhaps the worst incarnation yet of the enemy known as the Darkness: fear.

Within the FAYZ, life breaks down while the Darkness takes over, literally—turning the dome-world of the FAYZ entirely black. In darkness, the worst fears of all emerge, and the cruelest of intentions are carried out. But even in their darkest moments, the inhabitants of the FAYZ maintain a will to survive and a desire to take care of the others in their ravaged band that endures, no matter what the cost.

Jag gillar verkligen Gone-serien, och Fear är en av de bästa böckerna i serien. Spännande och skrämmande, och med karaktärer jag både älskar och hatar. Slutet var det absolut bästa i boken och trots att jag hade tänkt vänta med nästa bok, så bara måste jag läsa den NU!


“Sam and Caine were left standing side by side, bruised and battered, to stare over Penny's sickening corpse, at the face of their mother.” 

8,5 / 10

Titel: Light
Författare: Michael Grant
Serie: Gone #6
Sidor: 435

Spoilervarning! Boken ingår i en serie, spoilers från tidigare böcker i serien förekommer.

It’s been more than a year since every person over the age of fifteen disappeared from the town of Perdido Beach, California. In that time, countless battles have been fought: Battles against hunger and lies and plagues and worse, battles of good against evil, and kid against kid. Allegiances have been won, lost, betrayed, and won again; ideologies have been shattered and created anew, and the kids of the FAYZ have begun to believe that their new society is the only life they’ll ever know. But now that the Darkness has found a way to be reborn, the tenuous existence they‘ve established is likely to be shattered for good. Will the kids of Perdido Beach even survive?

Light var en helt fantastisk bra bok, helt klart den bästa i serien. Handlingen var full av överraskningar, och det var många oväntade dödsfall. Två av mina tre favoritkaraktärer dog, markera för spoiler, Brianna och Caine, spoiler slut, och jag blev både chockad och ledsen. Trots detta kan jag inte tänka mig ett bättre avslut på serien, och jag är både glad över att ha fått tagit del av den och ledsen över att den är slut. Rekommenderas starkt!


“Sam’s probably out there somewhere being his usual heroic self,” Caine said. “I can’t let that boy save the world all alone. I’d never live it down.”  

“Deep down, she's a good person, Diana is," Caine said, and sighed. "Deep down, I'm not. But she is.” 

8,5 / 10

Titel: The Runaway Queen
Författare: Cassandra Clare & Maureen Johnson
Serie: The Bane Chronicles #2
Sidor: 60
Magnus Bane has a royal role in the French Revolution—if the angry mobs don’t spoil his spells. One of ten adventures in The Bane Chronicles.

While in France, immortal warlock Magnus Bane finds himself attempting to rescue the royal family from the horrors of the French Revolution—after being roped into this mess by a most attractive count. Naturally, the daring escape calls for invisible air balloons…

The Runaway Queen är precis lika bra som What Really Happened in Peru, och det är ett nöje att få läsa ur Magnus Banes perspektiv. En spännande och rolig berättelse som jag gärna rekommenderar.

"Hello” Magnus said to the monkey.
The monkey did not reply.
“I shall call you Ragnor”

"The only Swedish he had ever really needed was “ Do you serve anything aside from pickled fish?” and “ If you wrap me in furs, I can pretend to be your little fuzzy bear.”

7 / 10

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