Författare: Sharon Cameron
Serie: -
Sidor: 456
History has a way of repeating itself. In the Sunken City that was once Paris, all who oppose the new revolution are being put to the blade. Except for those who disappear from their prison cells, a red-tipped rook feather left in their place. Is the mysterious Red Rook a savior of the innocent or a criminal?
Meanwhile, across the sea in the Commonwealth, Sophia Bellamy’s arranged marriage to the wealthy René Hasard is the last chance to save her family from ruin. But when the search for the Red Rook comes straight to her doorstep, Sophia discovers that her fiancé is not all he seems. Which is only fair, because neither is she.
As the Red Rook grows bolder and the stakes grow higher, Sophia and René find themselves locked in a tantalizing game of cat and mouse.
Rook har länge funnits på min att läsa lista. Delvis på grund av den lockande handlingen, men mestadels på grund av sitt fantastiska omslag. Trots att jag läste boken under en tid när jag hade det väldigt svårt med att koncentrera mig så fann jag den oerhört fängslande, och jag absolut älskade handlingen med alla sina twister och oförutsägbarhet. Jag var dessutom väldigt förtjust i karaktärerna, och då allra helst Sophie och René. Rook var en spännande och smart bok som jag verkligen gillade, och jag rekommenderar den mer än gärna.
8 / 10
Titel: Challenger Deep
Författare: Neal Shusterman
Serie: -
Sidor: 311
Caden Bosch is on a ship that's headed for the deepest point on Earth: Challenger Deep, the southern part of the Marianas Trench.
Caden Bosch is a brilliant high school student whose friends are starting to notice his odd behavior.
Caden Bosch is designated the ship's artist in residence, to document the journey with images.
Caden Bosch pretends to join the school track team but spends his days walking for miles, absorbed by the thoughts in his head.
Caden Bosch is split between his allegiance to the captain and the allure of mutiny.
Caden Bosch is torn.
Det här är en jättesvår bok att recensera, allra helst när jag vet att många föredrar att veta så lite om handlingen som möjligt. Personligen så trodde jag att den skulle handla om en sak, och blev hyfsat förvånad när den visade sig handla om något helt annat. En väldigt gripande och viktig bok dock, och som jag helt klart mer än gärna rekommenderar.
8 / 10
I'm very intrigued by Challenger Deep, I love not knowing really anything about a book and I have heard good things about it, so I'll think I'll have to cave soon and pick it up. As for Rook, it's next up on my list of fantasy novels to get and read because...that cover. =) Great mini reviews!
SvaraRaderaI really liked both of these books, so I'll definitely recommend reading them. And I hope you'll love them. And, yes. That cover.. <3